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Nikka Nadia has been dancing since age seven. She started training initially in
modern/contemporary dance as her mother did then added ballet, jazz at age eight and West
African and belly dance later. She first found belly dance at 16 when she had an injury and had
to take a few months off ballet. Something about this style came so naturally as if she already
knew how and within a few weeks she was subbing for the regular teacher. She continued to
teach beginners belly dance her own fusion style for the next ten years while she earned her
Bachelors in Fine Arts and Dance from UW Milwaukee and a minor in somatics, the mind body
connection and moved to Los Angeles. There she became a behavioral therapist for children
with special needs and taught yoga, dance, and fitness around the city.
In the last five years she has studied more traditional Egyptian oriental dance with teachers
around Los Angeles and the world. Nikka has visited Egypt, Lebanon, and Turkey to have a
deeper understanding of the roots and culture of middle eastern dance. She spent six months
teaching dance, belly dance, yoga and fitness in Dubai in 2019.
She currently is a certified Yoga Therapist in Los Angeles and spends her time instructing yoga,
pilates, and belly dance. Nikka believes this style of dance is the most soothing and natural to
the female body. It encourages and cultivates empowerment, confidence, physical strength and
stamina, as well as healing and connecting to divine feminine power.

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